My Diary

I woke already packaged in an apathy membrane.  This was the day when I should have fought the giants for the possession of Olympus!  I wrote a letter of apology to myself after mending the cocoon making machine.

After playing with dinosaurs in the garden I found an old wall with pictures of people in rows of little alcoves.  Some of the pictures were pleasant, some were not.

I vacuumed up the bird footprints left on the carpet then went to sleep in the memory maker.

My Diary

A picture that I saw in my head when I was a child came back to me today:  People sitting on flying magic carpets reaping outstretched arms with sickles.

Poppy and I dug holes, I was hampered by a giant snake which wound itself round my leg.  As a surprise Poppy reappeared in a frog suit.  However, she didn’t realise I was on first name terms with Batfrog, the legendary super hero.

Before I came in I drew circles on the ground and stood in them.

A busy day squashed between two sheets of glass.  This does reduce one’s options somewhat – for example, you can only move in two dimensions.  I have been practicing thinking in two dimensions for a little while.

My natural inclination is to think in five and speak in six.  While doing this it helps to metamorphose into a coat on a hanger.  Eventually, a helicopter emerges from my top pocket.

While living in an ant hill I invented a house made of liquorice.  I couldn’t patent it as in an absent minded moment I ate it.

My Diary

Half a day out and half a day in my studio.  When I opened the door a giant frog said: “If there is a collective memory across all species I can dream of dinosaurs”.  I then rubbed an eraser across the evening.

I walked along an avenue of giant teeth.  There was a strange light.  I can remember the teeth from my childhood; one was taken out by a dentist the size of a skyscraper.  In my imagination, King Kong swatted space ships while clinging to his hat.

My Diary

I took a wrong turn today and ended up inside a giant candy stick.  It was like looking at a child’s sunset.  One peculiarity was that everyone seemed to have only one eye.  I felt underneath all passing sheep and then walked Poppy behind a nursing home for old machines.

It has been unseasonably hot all day.  Looking through the secret viewer that can be pulled out of the sky I saw the carboniferous coal forests.  There was a convenience store at the end of the road.

My Diary

A day in the grotto with the milkmaids.  Someone invented a talking Marie Antoinette statue.  I walked on a dreamhole cover (similar to a manhole cover but it rises upwards) and dreamt of Caravaggio.  There are people that sell short sentences or passages of music in the street.  I normally say no thank you.

The warmest day of the year and I walked poppy to the moon and back.

My Diary

I spend the day in a dalek suit.  While walking home from a place of work I call exterminate and a flock of birds perch on all appendages.  I change into a Greek bush.  I then find the trap door where animals disappear for trade union meetings.

My dog is a shop steward; I am a shop assistant and help elephants find clothes to fit a giraffe.  I paint pictures with my arms and stop the traffic coming from Mars.

My Diary

I found out today what an individual hair feels like!  I was stuck in a tube that stretched for miles in a huge tangled mass.  I was able to press buttons and flick switches but I wasn’t sure if anything happened as a result of these actions.  I was a working man from morning to night.

While sitting for dinner a garden pond formed itself in the middle of the table, next to the fruit bowl, I pulled a plastic fish from the bowl and blew air into it.

Icicles hung from the electric lamp.

My Diary

On going outside I was startled to find an island firmly planted on the roof of the house; overhanging all sides.  I guessed this was because I had got round to tidying the cupboard under the stairs – everything is connected in this house.  I enjoyed chilling out on the high rise beach – plus the early morning solitary confinement.

After my housework I hung from the ceiling as a Christmas decoration man (famed hero of my childhood).  Although mainly intent on perfecting my hot air spiral technique I was also conscious of glittering in the sunlight.

I later walked the dog over a rainbow.

My Diary

A day locked in the bread maker I got my wife for her birthday some years ago.  I was first caught between rock cakes and then between a hard place.  In the hard place, I pretend to be the hard man: I push open the saloon door and ask the first person I see for a photograph.  They lick a stamp – I am not sure if it was a first class or a second.

I am asleep in a gondola that hangs from a giant eagle.